Copenhagen Zoo
Mission statement
Originally founded in 1859 Copenhagen Zoo is now a non-profit organisation missioned to species conservation through education, research, and action. In the past decades, species “manipulations” in the wild has become integrated part of the zoo’s activities. This includes small populations management and developing an evidence base for decisions as well as developing useful protocols and methods.
Conservation Management: The zoo is hosting the European centre for IUCN SSC CPSG (Conservation Planning Specialist Group) that work closely with the Danish as well as the EU environmental authorities.
Research: Despite its relatively small size, the zoo is ranked high among European zoos in terms of producing peer reviewed publications covering diverse aspects of conservation biology, animal welfare, animal behaviour, zoological medicine and policy papers. The zoo’s publications receive by far the highest number of citations, which is an indication that the publications are generally published in higher impact-factor journals.
Education and awareness raising: For the past decades, the zoo is registered as an official outside-the-school education venue and provide external nature-education to more than 40.000 students annually, which makes the zoo the single largest education institution for children in Denmark in terms of individual students receiving structured education
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ASAP Species they are working to conserve
ASAP Partner since: 2023
Country focus: Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar
Organisation: NatureLife Cambodia Organization
Country: Cambodia