Myanmar Biodiversity Fund

Mission statement
Myanmar Biodiversity Fund (MBF) is Myanmar's first independent Conservation Trust Fund which was registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee (not-for-profit company) at the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration in 2019. MBF’s main goal is to serve as the Conservation Trust Fund to leverage people’s stewardship for biodiversity and ensure sustainable development. MBF will strengthen the connection between people, businesses and biodiversity to maintain biodiversity integrity.
ASAP Species they are working to conserve
ASAP Partner since: 2023
Country focus: Myanmar
News & Stories
Organisation: Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia
Country: Malaysia
Organisation: Animal Science Laboratory, Universitas Papua
Country: Indonesia
Organisation: Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)
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Organisation: Indonesia Herpetofauna Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Organisation: NatureLife Cambodia Organization
Country: Cambodia