Ny Naiky


About yourself

I am the Cambodia Vulture Project Coordinator at BirdLife International Cambodia. I am responsible for coordinating and collecting data from the Cambodia Vulture working group (CVWG), Cambodia Sarus Crane Working Group, and the Cambodia Ibis Working Group.

During my time with BirdLife International Cambodia, I was once a biodiversity project officer and was responsible for leading the field monitoring team to conduct camera trap survey on vulture species.

What are some of the rewards and challenges working in conservation?

One of the biggest reward from working in conservation is the sense of satisfaction i get for standing up for what i believe in and being able to create meaningful and positive changes in protecting wildlife. Some of the challenges I face are people’s perception of my field of work. Some of my peers think that I lack the capability and knowledge to find a job in the city and my family are not too keen of me working in the forests.

What does being a part of the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership network mean to you?

I feeling grateful to be a part of the ASAP woman in conservation leadership network. After I have joined and back from the retreat at Siem Reap Provine, ASAP is a personal doctor for me. When I am in a tricky situation, I can raise it in the ASAP women leadership group.

What do you hope to achieve from this programme?

The programme has provided me a lot of support and a safe space to share. The network allows me form good connections with the amazing women conservation from the other places. This programme has guided me to develop the work plan to achieve the next vison.


Silvi Dwi Anasari


Dr. Sapai Min (Jasmine)